David McCormick’s hard-fought victory over three-term Democratic Senator Bob Casey in Pennsylvania’s Senate race has left the opposition scrambling for Hail Mary plays. Despite the...
In 2020, Donald Trump and his voters endured a gauntlet of election anomalies that included biased media interference, questionable ballot practices, politicized censorship, and glaring...
Exit polls from Election Day reveal that Donald Trump pulled off a landslide with Catholic voters, earning a 15-point margin over his opponent, the widest...
David Axelrod, former adviser to Barack Obama, recently conceded that Vice President Kamala Harris may be in for a rough turnout on Election Day. Axelrod,...
Busken Bakery in Cincinnati has become a surprisingly accurate bellwether for predicting presidential election outcomes, and it looks like Donald Trump is in the lead...
The Colorado Secretary of State’s Office recently found itself in a compromising position when it mistakenly uploaded a spreadsheet to its website, containing a hidden...
In Pennsylvania, the latest round of voter registration scrutiny is stirring up concerns, with several counties—Lancaster, York, Monroe, and Cambria—separating out thousands of voter registration...
In a significant development, authorities in Pennsylvania have launched a criminal investigation after nearly 2,500 suspicious voter registration forms were flagged by election workers in...