
Oregon ‘Apologizes’ for Registering Illegals to Vote

One of the quickest ways to get attacked by the progressive left is to dare bring up the issue of illegal migrants voting in American elections. The moment you mention it, you’re accused of fearmongering, pushing “white nationalism,” or, predictably, racism. The typical response is that this kind of thing happens so rarely, and when it does, it’s just poor “new arrivals” getting confused by the supposedly complicated voter registration system. No big deal, right? Well, that argument just got a lot harder to make, thanks to a new analysis by the Oregon Department of Transportation. Apparently, in the last few years, Oregon has accidentally registered hundreds of Joe Biden’s illegal migrants to vote, and yes, at least a few of them actually cast ballots. So, how did that happen? Let’s just say the state’s Democratic-controlled policies and the DMV made it pretty easy.

Oregon officials acknowledged last Friday that over 300 non-citizens have been mistakenly registered to vote since 2021. They’re calling it a “data entry issue” from when these individuals applied for driver’s licenses. Kevin Glenn, a spokesperson for the Department of Transportation, confirmed that 306 non-citizens were registered, and two of them have voted in elections. While two votes might seem insignificant in a state with over four million people, the real concern is that this is only what they’ve caught. How many more have slipped through the cracks? And, more troubling, how many of these so-called “errors” are happening in other states?

This isn’t just an Oregon problem—it’s a national issue that’s growing, though not every state is falling into the same trap. There’s a big difference between legal immigrants who come to the U.S. intending to become citizens and illegal migrants who bypass the system entirely. For legal immigrants, applying for a driver’s license is part of their path to becoming contributing members of society. They need to get around, find jobs, and pay taxes. But that doesn’t mean they should be handed voter registration forms at the DMV, especially without understanding the legal process behind it. For illegal migrants, this should be a non-starter. They shouldn’t even be applying for driver’s licenses, let alone accidentally getting registered to vote.

And yet, in states like Oregon, this is exactly what’s happening. When someone at the DMV hands over a voter registration form to an illegal migrant who may not even speak English fluently, what do we expect them to do? Most likely, they’ll fill it out without knowing any better. It’s not the migrants’ fault—they’re following the process laid out by lawmakers. The real blame lies with the politicians who have created this mess in the first place. And it’s not just Oregon. States like Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Georgia have also conducted audits and found non-citizens registered to vote, according to reports from CNN. This is happening in swing states too, which should make everyone take notice.

So, what can be done about it? Unfortunately, the answer might be, “not much,” at least without serious help from the federal government. Poll watchers can help ensure that votes are legitimate, but matching ballots to lists of known illegal migrants who registered at the DMV is a tall order. It’s a massive challenge, but it’s one that needs to be tackled if we ever want to restore confidence in the integrity of our elections. Ignoring it or shrugging it off as an “error” is simply unacceptable.

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