
Poll: American Pride Hits Rock Bottom, Again

A Gallup poll published Tuesday shows that American pride remains near a record low. Surprise, surprise.

This year’s survey found that two in five Americans, 41 percent, say they are “extremely proud” to be American. This is the fifth consecutive year this reading has been stuck in the 38 percent to 43 percent range. Seems like folks aren’t exactly breaking out the stars and stripes.

Another 26 percent of adults said they are “very proud” to be American. This falls in line with the recent trend, according to Gallup. So, a combined 67% of Americans are either “extremely” or “very proud” to be American, a number that’s been consistent since 2018. In Gallup’s history, it’s one of the lowest readings. Back in the day, from 2001 through 2017, at least 75% of adults were brimming with pride, with majorities feeling extremely proud.

Eighteen percent of Americans surveyed said they are “moderately proud” to be American, while 10 percent said they are “only a little” proud. And for the truly disenchanted, 5 percent are “not at all” proud of America. So much for the land of the free.

When you break it down by political party, Republicans are the ones mostly waving the flag. Gallup noted that Republicans “consistently outpaced that of Democrats” in terms of pride. Currently, 59 percent of Republicans, 34 percent of Democrats, and 36 percent of Independents said they are “extremely proud” to be American. This isn’t new, either.

The 25-point gap in extreme pride between Republicans and Democrats today mirrors the 28-point average gap since 2001. The latest difference is less than half of the record-high gap — 54 points in 2019 — when only 22% of Democrats expressed extreme pride. Who knew pride could be so partisan?

Meanwhile, Republicans’ current extreme pride is statistically tied with their 58% record low in 2022. Similarly, the percentage of independents with extreme national pride is hovering near last year’s 33%, the lowest for that group.

Gallup noted that all party groups are “significantly less proud” than they were 20 years ago. The highest levels of pride were recorded right after the 9/11 terrorist attacks in 2001. Apparently, it takes a national tragedy to unite us.

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