
Poll Shocker: More Adults Ditch Dems for GOP

Looks like the Democrats are in for a rough ride. More U.S. adults now identify with the Republican Party than the Democratic Party, according to an annual Pew Research survey. Yes, you heard that right – more people are waking up and smelling the conservative coffee.

For the first time, the survey found a slight edge for the GOP with 47% of adults identifying as Republican or leaning that way, while only 46% are sticking with the Dems. Oh, and 7% couldn’t decide or just didn’t want to lean. Guess they’re still on the fence or maybe just enjoying the show.

Last year’s National Public Opinion Reference Survey (NPORS) had the Democrats ahead by 2 points, but this year, the tides have turned. Nate Cohn, The New York Times’ chief political analyst, pointed out that young adults are making the shift. That’s right, the 18 to 29-year-olds are leaning more towards the GOP, even though they had a Biden+20 on the 2020 recall vote. Quite the turnaround, huh?

Cohn also highlighted the shift among racial and ethnic groups. The Democrats’ share among major party-leaning nonwhite voters has dipped from 68% to 65%. And guess what? There’s now a GOP edge among registered nonvoters. Seems like the “big tent” party isn’t as appealing as it used to be.

These Pew poll results are significant because other national polls, like those from CNN/SSRS, KFF, and Ipsos, also use NPORS to weight their surveys. So, this isn’t just a one-off fluke – it’s a trend.

The 2024 NPORS also shed some light on religious identification. Turns out, 69% of U.S. adults identify with a religion (41% Protestant, 20% Catholic, 8% other faiths) while 30% don’t (28% religiously unaffiliated, 2% no answer). Looks like faith is still a big part of the American fabric, despite what the secular left might want you to believe.

So, there you have it. The GOP is gaining ground, and the Democrats might need to rethink their strategy. Maybe next time, they won’t be so quick to dismiss those “deplorables.”

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